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I am a blogger who specializes in using blogs to blog.

Monday, October 08, 2007


I would like you all at this moment to raise a glass. I don't care if you don't celebrate Oktoberfest, I don't care if you don't have a glass, and I certainly don't care if you don't care, but right now I'm calling a toast, so be ready.

A toast! To something very precious, something that has stayed by me through thick and thin alike, something that though has frequently been gripped by the icy cold hands of death on more than one occasion has always managed to resurrect itself and remain true and reliable even in it's final waking hours. It is something that will be dearly missed, and shall never be forgotten. And so with those words I raise my glass to Lazarus, my brilliant and now deceased laptop, who on October 4, 2007 downloaded it's final file and died for the last time. May it rest in peace.

To Lazarus!

*Everyone drinks (alcoholic or non-alcoholic, your choice)*

And while we're toasting, as is the custom for Oktoberfest, let's throw in a toast for a few other people, hm? Here we go:

To Mr. P: My Driver's Ed. instructor, who thank GOD I only have to drive with one more time and then I'll never have to see him again. To Mr. P!

To My Cousin Miriam: Who just got a part in a play and has had all of one rehearsal, and who happens to have a really awesome green trench coat, and a scarf made from old sweater sleeves. She plans to take Bat Boy to the prom, and earlier this year stood five feet away from Mo Rocka(sp). May she continue to grace the world with her awesomeness. To Miriam!

To Antipholus of Syracuse: Poor guy, lands in a country has his money stolen, is mistaken for someone else, gets assaulted by someone else's wife, and can't figure out if he's on Earth, in Heaven, or in Hell. Stuck in a strange Comedy of Errors (and played by David Tennant), this guy deserves a toast. To Antipholus!

To My Friend Ophelia: Fellow Who-fanatic, co-author, and friend. Who can write TV scripts like the best of them, and who will one day have a hit show on the BBC or some major American network and become far richer than any of the rest of us can possibly imagine. May she be successful in any and all creative endeavors, and may she please forgive me for not having the next chapter done yet. (Sorry about that) To Ophelia!

To My Father's Pick-up Truck: Which unfortunately had to be given up around the same time we lost Lazarus. To replace it though, we got a cute Scion standard shift car also known as one of those "box-cars" that's blue. Cute car, but we will still miss the truck. To the Truck!

To Donna The Giant's Wife: This is a woman who needs a good drink. Granted, the actress playing her is not yet old enough for a good drink, but let's just say we're talking about the character for now. Her husband treats her horribly, she's forced to do servant's work, and still finds the time to attempt to save Jack from the giant. From her point of view, and mine, this woman is not an ogre, but a saint. I've also decided that she deserves a name, as she's just written in the script as "Wife" So I raise a glass. To Donna!

To My Friend Chris: Who not only does an absolutely amazing portrayal of Penelope the cow in Jack and the Beanstalk, but who painted the most brilliant cobblestones I have ever seen in my life. Who is currently going through the exact same amount of craziness as I am right now, balancing both this play and Driver's Ed, with the added pressures of various musical lessons, marching band, and probably several higher level classes than me. May he live through this week, and continue to be amazing. To Chris!

To Luciano Pavoratti: Whose name I have most likely misspelled, he popularized opera and was for some reason greatly revered among most of my extended family. He will be greatly missed. To Luciano!

To David Tennant: For just generally being David Tennant. This one's fairly self-explanatory to those who know me, I think. May he continue to be an amazing actor, Doctor, and Hamlet. To David Tennant!

To Michelle and Jason: My friend Aimee's mother and now step-father who got married last weekend in an absolutely gorgeous wedding. We toasted them about four times at the wedding itself, but since we're toasting now, I figured it would be appropriate to do it again. I would just like to add, however, that I still think my apparently "accidental" catching of the bouquet was planned, in some way. I still have it, on my bookshelf in a vase, that and the guarder. May the two of them (Michelle and Jay, not the bouquet and the guarder) have many, many, many happy years together. To Michelle and Jay!

To Anyone Else I May Have Forgotten to Toast: It's nearly midnight now, and I have school tomorrow, so to anyone else I've ran out of time to toast, but deserves a toast, I toast you! To All of You!

*All Drink (again, alcoholic, or non)*

Happy Oktoberfest all, may you all eat, drink and be merry this fine October. Huzzah!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AWWW!! Thanks for the toast! *raises up her Strawberry/Kiwi vitamin water jug* To Nelly!!
